PDF(Portable Document Format的简称,意思“便携式文件格式”)是一个广泛用于文字和文档排版的文件格式。它包含了多种版本, 其中有些被当作开放标准(Open Standard),有些被ISO所认证,还有一些受到软件专利的阻碍。你可能希望促进那些成为开放标准的版本的发展,因为开放标准保证了互用性、竞争和选择的权利。 更多...
有许多程序可以读写PDF文件。下面列表中的PDF浏览器都是中立的,并且都是自由软件(Free Software), 它们提供给你四种自由权利, 学习、分享和改善它们的机会。这将有助于你控制你的电脑和保护你的隐私。更多...

Platforms:GNU/LinuxThe document viewer of the Gnome project can display many document formats beside PDF.

Platforms:Windowsa free PDF, eBook, XPS, DjVu, CHM, Comic Book reader for Windows. Sumatra PDF is powerful, small, portable and starts up very fast.

Platforms:GNU/LinuxWindowsThe document viewer of the KDE project also displays postscript, doc, odt and other formats. It is well integrated with the KDE web browser Konqueror.

Platforms:GNU/LinuxA lightweight, straightforward pdf viewer using a plain motif interface. The XpdfReader builds are non-free, we advise against them.

Platforms:FirefoxPDF.JS is not a standalone application for viewing pdf, but a plugin available for various web browsers. It may suit you when you come across a lot of pdf files online or in an environment where you cannot or do not want to install a full desktop application.

Platforms:GNU/LinuxMac OS XA lightweight postscript and pdf viewer with xaw3d interface. Successor to ghostview.
也可选择其他私有软件(Adobe's PDF reader),但是这类软件的工作原理是商业秘密,它们不尊重你保护和控制你的隐私和数据的权利。